Edgemont Systems Apps

CFI Tools VOR 1.02
-------------- CFI Tools VOR -------------- Purpose: The VOR Toolis used to demonstrate the use of a VOR for navigation. The HSI isused to demonstrate how the pilot uses a VOR/DME and an OBS todetermine the airplane's position. The VOR Tool has two modes:RANDOM: In this mode the airplane is moved automatically and willrandomly change it's heading when it reaches the wall. In RANDOMmode the speed of the airplane can be adjusted with the speedbutton. DRAG: In Drag mode the airplane or VOR/DME may be moved bydragging and dropping using the touch screen. The VOR/DME can bemoved in any mode by dragging and dropping. The Heading can beadjusted using the slider in Drag mode. The OBS can be adjustedusing the slider in any mode, the currently selected radial isshown as a red line. The light blue line indicates where theFrom/To indicator will flip. ---------------- About CFI Tools---------------- I'm a Pilot and a CFII. I build these Apps andother software for my own use. Some other pilots saw them and said"Hey you should sell those". So here they are for sale. I hope youenjoy them. Any suggestions for improvement or new Apps are alwayswelcomed. Have a good flight.
CFI Tools Crosswind Calculator 1.05
------------------------------------CFI Tools Crosswind Calculator------------------------------------PURPOSE: The Crosswind App is used to calculate the crosswindand headwind components of the wind relative to a given runwayheading.It's a simple tool used to explain a complex topic.HOW TO USE the Crosswind Calculator:- Select the Runway- Select the Wind Direction- Select the Wind Speed- See the Solution-----------------------About CFI Tools-----------------------I'm a Pilot and a CFII. I build these Apps and other softwarefor my own use.The Apps have been for sale now for a number of years. They havebeen enhanced and updated based on listening to the suggestions ofthe pilots who use them.Any suggestions for improvement or new apps are alwayswelcomed.Have a good flight.
CFI Tools Holds 1.02
---------------- CFI Tools Holds ---------------- PURPOSE: TheHolds App is used as a visual aide to demonstrate entry into aHolding Pattern and to make a recommendation on the type of entryto be used. It's a simple tool used to explain a complex topic. HOWTO USE the Holds App: - Select the Aircraft Heading - Select theHold Course - Select the Turns Type - Standard or non-Standard * Toenter the Course or Heading you may use the slider or keyboard -Review the Recommendation ---------------- About CFI Tools---------------- I'm a Pilot and a CFII. I build these Apps andother software for my own use. Some other pilots saw them and said"Hey you should sell those". So here they are for sale. I hope youenjoy them. Any suggestions for improvement or new Apps are alwayswelcomed. Have a good flight.
CFI Tools Area WX 1.17
CFI Tools Area Weather - AreaWx -----------------------------------PURPOSE: The Area Weather App is used by a pilot to view METARs andTAFs plotted on a color-coded map or in a simple text table or inraw format. The weather is displayed for all METAR stations withinthe specified area. >>>> Please Note<<<<< This App is no longer available as astand-alone App It has been moved to the General Aviation App. Findit here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.edgemontsystems.generalaviationa>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<The area is defined by a METAR station and a radius around thestation. METARs on a Map ----------------- The METAR data isdisplayed for the pilot on a map that adjusts based on the size ofthe area. The METARs are colored coded based on the aviation flightcategory (VFR, MVFR, IFR, LIFR) for the station. The color codingand placement on the map gives a good quick overview of the currentweather in the area. METARs in a Table ------------------- TheMETAR data may also be displayed in a table that allows moredetailed viewing for stations in the area. The stations are sortedbased on their distance from the base station. Tap any station inthe table to see the complete raw data for the METAR and ifavailable TAF. How it works ------------- Touch the Menu button todefine the Area. The Area is defined by entering the ICAOidentifier for the station. There is a fast search function thatallows search by ID, airport name or city. After a station ischosen simply enter the radius preference. An internet connectionis required to get the METAR data. Preferences ---------------- Youcan have the App start-up on either the Map screen, the Stationsscreen or the Raw data screen. Measurement units for Wind speed,Temperature and Distance can be set on the Options Screen. Airportsin the Database -------------------------- PLEASE NOTE: The sourceof the METARs used in this App is the NOAA National Weather ServiceAviation Weather Center. It can be found here:http://aviationweather.gov/adds/metars/ If the METAR station cannot be found on this site, it will not be in the App. The databaseused in the App contains over 10,000 worldwide airports. PleaseNote ------------- This App has been thoroughly tested with METARinformation from around the world. However I want to emphasize theneed to verify this data. One thing that you may not realize isthat METAR data may be entered by hand. That means that it ispossible that there could be typos or simply some added informationthat is not expected by the software. This added information couldcause unpredictable results and the user should be alert to thispossibility. ---------------- About CFI Tools ---------------- I'ma Pilot and a CFII. I build these Apps and other software for myown use. The Apps have been for sale now for a number of years.They have been enhanced and updated based on listening to thesuggestions of the pilots who use them. Any suggestions forimprovement or new apps are always welcomed. Have a good flight.
CFI Tools Takeoff and Landing 1.24
Edgemont Systems
Description ---------------------------------- CFI Tools TakeoffLanding Distance ---------------------------------- PURPOSE: TheTakeoff Landing Distance App is used to calculate Takeoff andLanding distances for a given Aircraft under given conditions.>>>> Please Note <<<<< This App is nolonger available as a stand-alone App It has been moved to theGeneral Aviation App. Find it here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.edgemontsystems.generalaviationa>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<----------------------------------------- Calculation is availablefor 47 Aircraft ----------------------------------------- AirTractor 802-A 1424 SHP Air Tractor 802-A 1173 SHP Air Tractor 802PT6A-67AG Beech Bonanza M35 Beech Bonanza V35 Cessna 150-M Cessna162 Sky Catcher Cessna 172-A Cessna 172-L Cessna 172-M POH Cessna172-M 1974 Cessna 172-N 1979 Cessna 172-P Cessna 172-R Cessna 172-SCessna 177-RG Cessna 182-R Cessna Turbo182-T Cessna 310-R CessnaCardinal Cirrus SR20 Diamond DA 20-C1 Diamond DA 40 Diamond DA 40DDiesel Grumman AA-5B Tiger POH Rev 4 Grumman AA-5B-137 1979 MooneyM20K Mooney M20M Piper PA-24-260B Comanche Piper PA-28-161 WarriorII Piper PA-28-181 Archer II Piper PA-28-181 Archer II Flaps 25Piper PA-28R-180 Arrow I Piper PA-28R-200 Arrow II Piper PA-28R-200Arrow II TO Flaps 25 Piper PA-28R-201 Arrow III Piper PA-28R-201Arrow III Flaps 25 Piper PA-28R-201T Turbo Arrow III PiperPA-28RT-201T Turbo Arrow IV Piper PA-28RT-201T Turbo Arrow IV Flaps25 Piper PA-28-236 Dakota Piper PA-32-301 Saratoga 2-Blade PiperPA-32-301 Saratoga 3-Blade Piper PA-32RT-300T Turbo Lance II PiperPA-44-180 Seminole Socata TB 20 Socata TBM 850N Why only these 47?Because these are the aircraft that I am currently flying. As I getrequests to add others I am doing that. Also, these are some of themost popular GA airplanes. How it works ------------- 1. Select anaircraft - 47 are available 2. Select an airport - The App comeswith a worldwide airport database 3. Enter conditions - Wind,temperature, pressure altitude, weight and runways - Runwayinformation is filled automatically, if available, or can beentered 4. Check the results Real time METARs for weather------------------------------ If the airport has a METAR stationthe current weather can be obtained by touching the "Get WX"button. Internet access is required to get the weather Options------------ You can select a default Airplane and Airport to beloaded at startup. Weather can also be set to load automatically atstartup. Measurement units for Wind speed, Temperature, Distanceand Weight can be set on the Options Tab. ------------- Please Note------------- Make sure that any Takeoff and Landing calculationsare verified using the manufacturer's approved flight manual orPOH. I have tested these calculations and believe them to bereasonable. However I want to emphasize the need to verify them. Ihave had some experience building software that uses METAR data forinput. One thing that you may not realize is that METAR data may beentered by hand. That means that it is possible that there could betypos or simply some added information that is not expected by thesoftware. This added information could cause unpredictable resultsand the user should be alert to this possibility. ----------------About CFI Tools ---------------- I'm a Pilot and a CFII. I buildthese Apps and other software for my own use. The Apps have beenfor sale now for a number of years. They have been enhanced andupdated based on listening to the suggestions of the pilots who usethem. Any suggestions for improvement or new apps are alwayswelcomed. Have a good flight.
CFI Tools Weight and Balance 1.04
----------------------------------- CFI Tools Weight and Balance----------------------------------- PURPOSE: The Weight &Balance App is used to save weight & balance information for anunlimited number of airplanes in a simple format for easyreference. >>>> Please Note <<<<< ThisApp is no longer available as a stand-alone App It has been movedto the General Aviation App. Find it here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.edgemontsystems.generalaviationa>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<When you fly many airplanes it can be difficult to keep track ofthe weight & balance for each one. But of course it is criticalto perform these calculations before each flight and to verify theresults. Android is a terrific platform for keeping thisinformation. This App makes it simple to maintain this informationfor a fleet of training airplanes or even for a single airplane.Check out the screenshots to see how simple this process can be.The W&B data is fully customizable. You can enter the specificdata for your airplane. There is no limit on the number ofstations. Various manufacturers use different methods to calculatethe CG and this App supports a number of methods. The CG can beplotted in inches, or in total moment. The CG is plotted with bothfull and empty fuel so you can see the range of CG's that may beexperienced during the flight. Also shown is the "Excess Capacity"- the difference between current weight and Max Gross. This is anumber I often need to know if a student wants to bring a passengeralong for the flight. The Moment Arms and the Envelope are fullyupdatable and can be customized to fit your airplane's numbers.CAUTION! Please consult your Pilot's Operating Handbook or ApprovedFlight Manual for complete Weight & Balance Information DO NOT!rely on the generic W&B information provided here.---------------- About CFI Tools ---------------- I'm a Pilot and aCFII. I build these Apps and other software for my own use. Someother pilots saw them and said "Hey you should sell those". So herethey are for sale. I hope you enjoy them. Any suggestions forimprovement or new apps are always welcomed. Have a good flight.
CFI Tools Flight Recorder 1.12
Edgemont Systems
------------------------------ CFI Tools Flight Recorder------------------------------ Purpose: The Flight Recorder App isused to record flights using the GPS The App allows you to recordyour flight using the Android GPS receiver. These recordingsinclude date, time, latitude, longitude, altitude, course andspeed. The Flight Recorder allows you to review these recordedtracks in a number of ways. You can review each saved Location bylooking at the numbers or by plotting them on a map. The recordingscan also be emailed to your Mac or PC as a CSV file that can beopened as a spread sheet or as a Google Earth XML file that can beviewed in 3D. During recording, the tracks are integrated with theGoogle maps. The maps can be displayed as either a Map or aSatellite photo. So next time you perform some S-Turns across aroad, you can record the track and when you are back on the groundre-play it to see how well you maintained those equal radius turnson each side of the road.------------------------------------------- 3D Viewing on your MACor PC! ------------------------------------------- You can alsoconvert the tracks into a Google Earth .kml file. A Google Earth.kml file can be emailed to your Mac or PC for use with GoogleEarth. This allows you to draw terrific 3D views of your flight.With the Google Earth 3D capability you can get a great view ofyour flight from all angles. --------------------- Fly it again!--------------------- The .KML file not only gives you the 3D view,but also allows you to use the Tour Control to play back the fileand have you and your friends ride along. You can position yourpoint of view just above the track and watch as the file playsfollowing the track of your recorded flight. The view can actuallybe very similar to what you saw from the cockpit. If you haven'tseen these 3D views, please visit our web site to see some samplesyou will enjoy them. ------------------- Colorize!------------------- You can set colorization levels for viewing therecording. For example instead of just having a simple line drawingof the flight you can show everything under 1,000 MSL as Red andbelow 2,000 as Yellow, 3,000 as Blue and so on. You can set colorlevels for Altitude, Speed and Accuracy. With the color levels setto your selection the recorder can create some very interesting andinformative drawings. For example if you were trying to hold agiven altitude or speed during the flight you can set the Levels toa narrow band near your expected values and it can really bring outvariations. ------------------- Functions ------------------- -Record a flight - Save the recording - View a live recording inprogress - Review the recorded flight - View the flight colorizedby speed, altitude or accuracy - Review each individual locationsaved in the App or in a down-loadable CSV file - Email therecording to your Mac or PC as Spreadsheet (CSV) or Google Earth 3Dviews (KML) - Share the recording with other Android and iOSdevices Note: When used in the cockpit this App should be startedbefore the flight, run in the background and be reviewed after theflight. It should not be allowed to create a distraction while inflight. -------------------------------- About CFI Tools-------------------------------- I'm a Pilot and a CFII. I buildthese Apps and other software for my own use. Some other pilots sawthem and said "Hey you should sell those". So here they are forsale. I hope you enjoy them. Any suggestions for improvement or newApps are always welcomed. Have a good flight.